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Graphical comparison of LC-MS and LC-IMS-MS data

Classic LC-MS data consists of three dimensions:

  • m/z,
  • intensity,
  • and retention time.

At every retention time, a whole mass spectrum is acquired (yellow). Putting all scans together creates a three-dimensional plane. By slicing the three-dimensional data at a single m/z value (+- a value of tolerance), EICs can be created (green).


Ion mobility resolved data, on the other hand, consists of a three-dimensional data plane at each retention time. The three dimensions being:

  • m/z,
  • intensity,
  • and mobility (as drift time (ms) or inverse reduced mobility \(1/K_0 [Vs/(cm^2)]\)).

The 3D projection of regular LC-MS data can be created by summing all mobility scans of a frame to create a frame spectrum. (see Mobility scan merging)


Steffen Heuckeroth, omokshyna