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Feature filter


Feature list methods → Feature list filtering → Feature filter

This module deletes features in a selected feature list that do not meet the requirements defined by the user. The filter is performed separately on each raw data file in the peak list.


Name suffix

Suffix to be added to feature list name.


Peaks with a duration outside the entered range will be removed.


Peaks with an area outside the entered range will be removed.


Peaks with a height outside the entered range will be removed.

# data points

Peaks with fewer data points than the entered range will be removed.


Peaks with a FWHM outside the entered range will be removed.

Tailing factor

Peaks with a tailing factor outside the entered range will be removed.

Asymmetry factor

Peaks with an asymmetry factor outside the entered range will be removed.

Keep only features with MS/MS scans

Peaks without any MS/MS scans will be removed.

Remove source feature list after filtering

If the checkbox is selected, the source feature list will be removed, and the filtered version will remain.
