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Duplicate feature filter


Feature list method → Feature list filtering → Duplicate feature filter.

This filter can help eliminate misaligned feature list rows after the gap-filling process.

It has three different modes:

  • Old average (the old filter):

    Keeps only the feature list row with the maximum average area. Compares rows with the average m/z and RT.

  • New average:

    Compares rows with the average m/z and RT and creates a consensus row.Two peaks are considered duplicates when their average m/z and retention time differences are lower than the tolerances set by the user.

    When two (or more) duplicates are found, a consensus row is created with the lowest row ID of all duplicates. For this consensus row, all DETECTED features are favored over ESTIMATED (gap-filled) and ESTIMATED are favored over UNKNOWN. Furthermore, if there are only ESTIMATED features in a raw data file, the highest is chosen.

  • Single feature:

    Compares rows on a raw data file basis. Marks rows as duplicates if they share one feature within the RT and m/z tolerance in the same raw data file. Creates a consensus row.


Name suffix

This is the suffix to identify the new aligned peak list.

Filter mode

User can choose one of three modes: old average, new average, and single feature.

m/z tolerance

Maximum m/z difference between duplicate peaks.

RT tolerance

Maximum retention time difference between duplicate peaks.

Require same identification

If the checkbox is selected duplicate peaks must have the same identification.

Original feature list

Can be either processed in place of, kept or replaced.

lalalana5, omokshyna

Last update: November 24, 2022 21:13:07