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Export MRMs to TSV


To process multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) data, the MRM service of mzmine is required. This feature is included in the mzmine PRO subscription. Academic program and other users can reach out to inquire access options.

The Export MRMs to TSV module exports MRM-specific metrics to a tsv or csv table. An exemplary export is shown below:

example-export Figure 1: Example export result with Skip missing features disabled.


Feature lists

Select the feature lists that shall be exported.

Export file

Select the file to which the export should export to.

Skip missing features

Select if the export should skip missing features, if a feature was detected in file A but not in file B. An example of the behaviour is shown in the screenshot (Figure 1) above. Here, the Skip missing features option was disabled, creating an empty line for the feature of ID 43 in FILE_B. The export contains the ID of the row the feature belongs and was aligned to, but no q1 or q3 masses, no area, no height, and no RT, since the feature was not detected.

If the Skip missing features option is enabled, this line would not exist.

Robin Schmid, Steffen Heuckeroth