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Development in IntelliJ

Set up

  1. Fork the mzmine ( GitHub repository (needs free GitHub account) (See
  2. Download & Install IntelliJ IDEA (there is a free educational license for students and teachers) from
  3. Download & Install the current JDK. We recommend the OpenJDK. However, you can also use any other distribution, e.g., the Oracle JDK. This can be done from within IntelliJ. Open File/Project Structure (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S) and select SDKs and add the latest JDK with the +button:

  1. Add your GitHub account via Settings/Version Control/GitHub +button. Below exemplified with the Log in with Token... option:
    • Log in with Token… Generate - redirects to GitHub
    • Make sure to select the Workflow scope to avoid conflicts that arise from changing GitHub actions

  1. Clone GitHub project via version control: File/New/Project from version control use your user name to get your fork: USERNAME/mzmine3.git

  1. Make sure that gradle runs and updates the project. Otherwise, click on Reload Gradle Project . Now the project structure (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+S) should show the source, test, and resource folders which are described in the build.gradle.

  1. Click on Add a Configuration. Select “Application” from the template list). via the + button ( don’t just edit the template):

    • Main class: io.github.mzmine.main.MZmineCore
    • Environment var: -Djava.util.logging.config.class=io.github.mzmine.main.MZmineLoggingConfiguration -Xmx12G
  2. Run or debug with this configuration

Code formatter

The code formatter is important for contributions to the main version of MZmine and each java file should contain the license header.

  1. Import the style format from mzmine-intellij-code-formater.xml
  2. Apply format to any file with CTRL+ALT+L
  3. Can also be applied on each file saved or each commited change (see below)
  4. Better exclude specific file formats from being formatted (see below screenshot 2) (*.{fxml,xml,htm,html,json,yml,css})

  1. Add the license header to each file - the easiest way is to add the copyright profile to intelliJ
  2. Import the copyright from mzmine_intellij_licence_header.xml or create a new one with the exact text specified in license_header.txt
  3. Add a new scope for all project files
  4. Apply after file save or commit operation or run the Update copyright... action

Useful settings

Faster building

  1. Activate auto building (consumes more resources)
  2. Set Settings/Gradle/build and run to IntelliJ
  3. Activate HotSwap to automatically load changed classes during debugging

Select any actions to perform when a file is saved or committed.

Live templates

Live templates are used to add custom entries to the code completion, e.g., to quickly create a class-specific logger. Access Settings/Editor/Live Templates (CTRL+ALT+S on Windows) and add a new template (+ button). Define the abbreviation to trigger autocompletion at this statement, define the template text, and change the target context (“Java”) at the bottom. The template below generates a logger after typing log and pressing CTRL+SPACE. The variable $CLASS_NAME$ was set to represent the current className() under Edit variable.

The template:

private static final java.util.logging.Logger logger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(

Generates the output in class Scan:

private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Scan.class.getName());

Another example to create Javadoc links for @l . The variable (here $target$) places the cursor.

Postfix templates

Postfix templates allow to surround a preceeding variable or expression with code. Similar to live templates but after the expression. Go to the settings (CTRL+ALT S on Windows) and search for postfix templates. Click on the + button to add a new Java template. Add a key, specify the minimum java version, check "Use static import if possible" and enter the following expression text:

  • key: nne
  • expression: Objects.requireNonNullElse($EXPR$, $END$)

This will enable the following:

// input as variable.nne ...
// ... auto complete will produce with _ being the cursor position

requireNonNullElse(spectrum, _)

// ... or this when "use static import" is activated 
requireNonNullElse(spectrum, _)


Correct JDK selection

Make sure the correct JDK is set in these places:

  1. File/Project Structure/SDKs
  2. File/Settings/Build, Execution, Deployment/Build Tools → Gradle → Gradle JVM → “Project SDK” this will update automatically if the project SDK changes.
  3. File/Settings/Build, Execution, Deployment/Java Compiler → Project Bytecode version → 21 (for JDK 21) Correct run configuration: Select Default JRE (this will update with the project sdk) or select the correct one manually.

Could not target platform

Error: When building via gradlew: “Could not target platform: 'Java SE 21' using tool chain: 'JDK 13 (13)'” Solution (Windows): Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the JDK 21 root directory. See

Gradle project not imported

If gradle tool window is not shown:

  1. To import the Gradle project navigate to the build.gradle in the project tool window right click → import gradle project. The gradle tool window should now be visible.
  2. To update the imports click the update gradle project button in the gradle tool window

Robin Schmid, Steffen Heuckeroth, omokshyna